Doujins: The Cringe Compilation
Ziyed Yusuf Toumi
3 Doujin comics I made between 2015 and 2017.
Content Warning for: YAOI!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bad lettering, low resolution, wonky english, oh and cannibalism (It's not gay if it's a dream right)
I have unearthed for you some old doujinshis I made in another era. Some of you might have already read this on myyaoireads dot ru or whatever. My husband broke his wrist and this puts us in a very unfortunate situation money wise, what with me already being in a precarious situation, I'm trying to help as much as I can. So, if you've jacked off to this for free in 2016, I'd appreciate a buck.
3 Old Yaoi PDFs
29 Pages
12.8 MB
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